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Have You Ever Feel Give Up on Your Dream?

Pic 1.1: "All That We Hope To Be" Webtoon by It Sun
It was not really a bad Wednesday. The bad thing was just I couldn’t watch the match between Croatia vs. England in the quarter final of World Cup 2018. Nevertheless, everything went as usual until I decided to ask.
         Previously, in the way home from a store, I said to my self, sometimes, ignorance is good. We live in a lie because sometimes it beautiful. Sometimes, when we find out about something and finally know the truth, we will regret it and if we can choose, we will choose not to know.
I don’t expect if there’s a time when I know the truth and become this sad. Actually I already know it for a long time, but I always cover it and assume that everything will be fine. Then when I took the liberty to make sure of it, I did not expect that I become this lethargic. I have lose my spirit.    
          This is my dream, isn’t it? I dreamt of it, prayed for it, and I exerted all that I can to get it. Eventhough it’s not entirely accordance with my wishes, and need such a long time for me to accept it sincerely, but I do not expect it that the truth hits me like this.
          I wish, what I dreamt of all this time will not in vain. I wish, God answers my prayers. I wish, what I dreamt of is what God has provided for me. But the most important is, I wish that whatever happens is the best God has provided for me.
          Now I feel a little worry, afraid and I lose my spirit. But everytime I see Jim Carrey’s word that is displayed in my room, and Jeremiah 29:11, I hope my spirit is back! Dare to dream? Yes, and I dare to make it happens too!

"You can spend your whole life imagining ghosts, worrying about the pathway to the future. But all that there will ever be is what is happening here. And the decisions we make, in this moment, which are based in either love or fear. So many of us choose our path based on fear, disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect. So we never dare to ask the Universe for it. I am saying, I am the proof, that you can ask the Universe for it." – Jim Carrey. (forever favourite quote!)
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jeremiah 29:11. 


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